Thursday, June 9, 2011

choosing a Telescopic Rifle Scope or Laser or Red Dot Sight for Airsoft or Paintball

A scope or sight makes playing airsoft even more fun in a amount of ways. If you don't have one you should get one!

While not as essential as say for air rifle shooting where you often need to hit a 5p size target at 30 metres an airsoft scope can help in other ways

Clamp Meter

Telescopic scopes enhance longer length aimed shot accuracy - Very handy for sniping.Brilliant for spotting enemy in cover (ambushes!) and - or at ranges way beyond rifle range.Red dot and laser sights enhance hit rates in fast reflex Cqb and mad skirmishes.And of course they make any airsoft rifle look very cool and are loads of fun to use (which has got to count for quite a bit I reckon)
There are 3 types to reconsider -

1 - Telescopic scopes As the name suggests you get magnified vision. These are ideal for snipers and normal rifle combat.

Come in a wide range of sizes, for example -

3-9x40 is the most beloved normal purpose type but what does that mean?
3-9 - Means the magnification. In this example can be dialed in the middle of 3 and 9x (and all the numbers in between)Very handy for complicated situations and ranges.40 = lens size in millimeters. 40mm is a very good size. Good light capture and a wide field of view but not overly bulky.By difference a 4x32 would mean 4 x magnification only straight through a 32mm lens.
Cross hairs - There are many separate types but for airsoft use you don't need to worry about this to much except as a fashion thing!

The 30-30 type is pretty accepted and is fine (similar to a traditional plain X hair)You'll see others with Mil Dot which is the forces accepted cross hair. Just the job you may think but they are more expensive and the mil dot stuff is basically a range looking and length assessment aid that's of itsybitsy use until distances over a merge of hundred meters are reached. A nice to have but you don't need it.
Types 2 and 3 Red dot and Laser sights These are not magnified - what you see is the real size as it is.Perfect for Fibua, Cqb and close quarter stuff where you need reflex from the hip or fast semi aimed eye to sight shots (a la Swat style)Great for pistols as well.
2 - Red dot sight Projects a red (or green) dot onto the inside of the lens.Only you can see this dot - hopefully on your target. You fire and you hit.Very handy for reflex combat and pistols.The bigger the lens the better. 20mm is tasteless and Ok. 40mm more pricey but much better. (Tasco do some great ones)
3 - Laser sights Similar principle to the red dot except the dot is "visibly visible"" on the target - anything can see it.Brilliant for scaring the hell out of the enemy, but it can give you away too so use with care!Best in low light, but any decent laser will still give you descriptive dot even in accepted daylight, though effective range will be much less. Various types, some can go on top of a telescopic sight.Others can be mounted slung under the barrel or pistol grip. Makes include, the Smk Ls1, Ls2 and Ls3 models, Hawke Tactical, Beamshot and Cybergun Universal. All are perfect with Smk being at the budget end (I sell loads of them on ebay)

Mounts and base rails - Very Important! An leading area and one that causes a lot of blurring on ebay! - To fit a scope or sight to a rifle of pistol there must be somewhere to clamp it onto. Makes sense yes? (not to some population it doesn't!)

Nickwake (my) ebay shop fast guide to airsoft suitable scopes and sights

Telescopics -

Red dots - Type 1 - "Open eye" with fitted accepted mountsType 2 - Tasco Bkr - with fitted weaver mounts (a very cool sight this one)
Lasers - Type 1 - Ls2 Scope mounted. A long term best seller. Ready on own or as part of a combo set or add on if you win an auction.Type 2 - Cybergun Laser and Torch - with assorted adaptors, can be barrel slung. Also come with a tactical torch. Very cool kit. So, want to get one? I hope you know what you need to know now and to see you online soon! Or, for more scope guide stuff see my website zero rifle scopes

choosing a Telescopic Rifle Scope or Laser or Red Dot Sight for Airsoft or Paintball

Related : rockwell tools blog reviews

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